Bilder sind in den modernen Mediengesellschaften allgegenwärtig. Zu ihrer Erforschung wurden in den letzten Dekaden zahlreiche Forschungsanstrengungen unternommen, die eine Verschiebung der Aufmerksamkeit von den traditionell vor allem beachteten Kunstbildern auf die alltäglichen Bildformen und -medien sowie Bildfunktionen und -verwendungen (beispielsweise in politischen Zusammenhängen) zur Folge hatte. Als Folge dieser Verschiebung und der damit entstandenen Disziplinen- und Methodenvielfalt sind zudem Bemühungen um eine allgemeine Bildwissenschaft entstanden, denen es im Sinne einer Philosophie der Bildwissenschaft um eine Analyse der theoretischen Voraussetzungen der bildwissenschaftlichen Forschung, also um Klärungsangebote geht. In diesem Zusammenhang kommt der semiotischen Bildtheorie eine wichtige Vermittlungsaufgabe zu.
Material Image. Affordances as a New Approach to Visual Culture Studies, ed. by E. Günther, M. Sauer [special issue #7, Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine], New York, São Paulo, 03/2021:
This special issue on affordances bases on the thesis, that all natural and artificial things inhere affordances that appeal to our cognitive system, and thus invite us to look at them, perceive them, think about them, interpret them, and use them. The concept roots in the studies of the American psychologist James J. Gibson from the 1960s. According to him, "things" offer a certain range of possible activities depending on their form, time patterns, and material qualities, thus becoming part of human-thing-interactions. However, affordances can also be culturally trained. This aspect has been intensively discussed subsequently within different disciplines (e.g., Social Sciences, Design Studies). But only recently the concept has received attention in the field of Visual Culture Studies especially by archaeological scholarship.
As the articles of this special issue show, this approach is now gaining momentum in a broad range of image- and object-related disciplines. It may not surprise that the authors’ perspectives on images and objects vary widely within the issue. However, thanks to the use of affordances as a theoretical and/or methodological tool, they all contribute to fundamental questions of perceiving, receiving, understanding, as well as interpreting, and acting with sensuously present culture.